Primal Productions·1/15/2024in Character DiscussionWhich Bakeries Debutant Is Your Favourite?WhiffDuke Gotcha JananaCherissaKalebDanielaVote20 Votes in PollPapa's BakeriaWhiffPapa's Bakeria To Go!CherissaJananaKalebDuke GotchaDaniela
Papalouiewonder178·12/22/2022in GeneralThis is my style of Kaleb. I already added it to his fanart gallery.Papa's Bakeria To Go!Kaleb
Papalouiewonder178·11/29/2022in GeneralThis is my version of Daniela. Yes, I already added onto her fanart gallery on her page.(Edited by Papalouiewonder178)Papa's Bakeria To Go!Daniela
N4b5refreshed·2/15/2022in GeneralWhat is your favorite recipe in Papa's Bakeria (To Go)Banana SplitCherry CoridalKiwi Strawberry (Best in my opinion)Pink LemonadeS mores PieI didn't mention it (Type it in the comments)Vote21 Votes in PollPapa's BakeriaPapa's Bakeria To Go!