You get the idea, Big top carnival’s towers require balloon animals and the Volcano Gala towers need Torches
First off, the Creameo tower fires 2 types of projectiles, white projectiles that attack flying enemies, and gray projectiles that pierce through armor
The blue raspberry cream tower is like the blueberry tower, only in whipped cream form
The Superfan tower is another tower like the Neapolitan tower. It alternates between the wall attack from Mango tower, spreading attack from Huckleberry tower, and the homing triangles from Strawberry tower
Lastly, there’s the Lollipop bits shaker tower, which seems like a standard shaker tower with only stronger obstacles, but it also boosts towers that are red, blue, or yellow (yellow towers include stuff like mango, butterscotch, and pawpaw).
Starting off Volcano Gala, we have the Caramuri tower, which has a new, special projectile that goes through walls and does a hefty amount of damage
The Buriti tower also has large projectiles, but instead of passing through walls, they make lava puddles that melt armor
Next, the Rainforest Whip tower has leaf-like projectiles spread out of the enemy whenever they get caught.
Lastly, but absolutely not least, the Pyroclastic Crunch shaker tower makes rather strong obstacles, but also causes large blobs of lava to rain down whenever enough obstacles are stepped on.
And… that’s it for the Freezeria towers. In case you got bored of the same enemies and scenery, when we start talking about the towers based off the Wingeria sauces and other ingredients, I will change the background and use different enemies. See you then!