My idea for ingredients would be:
* Chai Reverb Syrup
* Trail Mix (mixable)
* Blues-berry Whipped Cream
* Ginger Haze Topping
* Music Notes
* Crimson and Crove (shaker)
My idea for ingredients would be:
* Chai Reverb Syrup
* Trail Mix (mixable)
* Blues-berry Whipped Cream
* Ginger Haze Topping
* Music Notes
* Crimson and Crove (shaker)
Some of mine are Cotton Candy Milk, Caramel Apple Syrup, Candy Jack Powder
This was written by a huge fan of Nexpo
First of all, it mentions that Yuko watch Prudence, managing the restaurant. The catch here, is that, there's no Pancakeria game where Yuko is a customers.
Secondly, she can be seen with a cup of tea in her Flipdeck. Tea is a drink available only in Pancakeria games, which, as mentioned before, doesn't have Yuko as a customer.
And finally, it mentions about her living in Tastyville and running the Lovely Leftovers, and a few years later, we have Pizzeria Deluxe.
What if there's an ARG inside her Flipdeck that's hidden, and if anyone could crack it, they would get the release date of Pancakeria Deluxe?
My idea would be:
Shooting Star Mold
Starfruit Filling (Chunky)
Hyper Green Filling
Galaxy Grape Dịp
Pulsar Pesto Drizzle
I have my own idea but you're free to add your own:
Music Notes Mold
Chai Reverb Filling
Mission Figs (chunky)
Ginger Haze Drizzle
Trail Mix
Chai Reverb Dip
Some of my idea are Clover Mold, Gold Coin (chunky), Mint Filling, Emerald Dịp.
Some of my ingredients are Sunshine Milk, Maple Syrup.
What about the mold? Do you think it should be Maple Leaf Mold?
Some of my ingredients are Maple Leaf Mold, Maple Syrup Filling, ...
What would be your hypothesis ingredients?
I can come up with Matcha Slush Flavor, Azuki Bun.
Replacing Pirate Bash. What would be your hypothesis ingredients?
Some of mine are Block Pop Mold, Root Beer Filling, Dr. Cherry Dip.
What would be your hypothesis ingredients?
Both hate losing
And because this is an old game, the possibility is much rarer
As you can see in the intro, he bought all of the remaining tickets, which lead to us having to assign for this job for a chair. Which lead to me wondering: Why do we have to give him service if he was the reason why we were enslaved?