@InkyEncore0429 They were released 3-4 years apart from each other. Freezeria is a free web flash game, has 8 mixables, 6 syrups, 2 creams, 4 drizzles, 5 shakers, 5 toppings, arrangeable furniture, better than papa at rank 46, last ingredient unlocked at rank 20 and only 54 customers. Freezeria To Go! is a paid phone mobile game, has 18 mixables (+10), 18 syrups (+12), 5 creams (+3), 9 drizzles (+5), 9 shakers (+4), 15 toppings (+10), fixed furniture, better than papa at rank 67 (+21), last ingredient unlocked at rank 58 (+38) and now 90 customers (+36). You're telling me they both are the same?