If there's more than 1, I'll also state the number of months with varying holidays, I'll also include which ones are up in the air for replacement regardless.
Pizzeria: 2 (April) I'd say May and August could also have been replaced.
Burgeria: 0 The only one to lack any holiday lineup, I've seen varying lists of ideas. Ideally, it should share as few holidays with Cluckeria as possible since a lot of the ingredients would overlap.
Taco Mia: 2 (August and May) I'd say Bring Back The Military would be celebrated in August, and Sugarplex Film Fest will be celebrated in May
Freezeria: 1 Although we most likely won't see another lineup, I think August, September, and May could be replaced.
Pancakeria: 2 (August, September, and April) Can't say I see any other months having new holidays.
Wingeria: 1 I'd say swap out August or September, as well as October since I can really see Day of the Dead being in Wingeria Deluxe, and Bring Back The Military being an August Holiday.
Hot Doggeria: 2 (May, August, and September) I could kinda see Big Top Carnival being a September Holiday.
Cupcakeria: 3 (May, August, and September) I could say Pirate Bash will return and have Sunken Treasure Cake being a holiday cake batter
Pastaria: 2 (January and February) The only other month I can see up for grabs is March, since I can't see any of the currently Pastaria-exclusive holidays being replaced.
Donuteria: 2 (February and May) Can't say I see any other months being swapped, maybe Valentine's Day would be celebrated in February, and Pirate Bash would be celebrated in September. I would like to see holiday dough colors and Comet Con.
Cheeseria: 2 (September and March) Can't see any others being swapped, except maybe February.
Bakeria: 2 (May and August) I can for sure say that Bakeria To Go 100% should've had Maple Mornings instead of Grōōvstock.
Sushiria: 2 (August and September) I would say Pirate Bash would be in Sushiria Deluxe.
Scooperia: 2 (April and May) I completely don't understand why May varied, the game's set in OnionTown, OnionFest should've been in all versions, I think September was more up in the air.
Mocharia: 1 I'd say only April and August could be swapped out.
Cluckeria: 1 I'd go with August maybe?
Paleteria: 1 I'd say August, September, March, and May. Because I want Sugarplex Film Fest, Maple Mornings, St Paddy's Day, and Cinco De Mayo in Paleteria Deluxe.