It's just a concept I made for Papa's Paystyleria, a simple fried pastry with sugar cane juice.
That's it, thank you!
It's just a concept I made for Papa's Paystyleria, a simple fried pastry with sugar cane juice.
That's it, thank you!
Hello! How are you?
I was playing Papa's Freezeria Deluxe and Okalini came as a customer, but Makaila is a chaperone. If I serve Makaila's order, will she get mad or not?
This ideia is awesome!
Not sweet exactly, pastelis are a rectangular shaped filling, like this one:
(If you want to know more, search "pastel" on google, there are things about there)
This restaurant could be in Whiskview (the city of the bakery).
Yes I want
Imagine Rhonda and Wicky being the workers
I loved the idea, it would be a bit strange to order chocolate in a restaurant but I think it would be cool.
I can do concepts, I guess...