The opening sequence after using "almostpapa"
almostpapa is an exploit to unlock Papa Louie as a customer very quickly, which can be used only in Papa's Pizzeria.
When playing the original Papa's Pizzeria, players can perform the exploit by creating a new profile and naming it "almostpapa" (no spaces or capital letters), which will take the player in question straight to Day 99. Every customer will be gold star status except for Sarge Fan, who will be 2 stars away from gold star. As long as you get good scores on Sarge Fan's order for 2 days, Papa Louie will be unlocked on Day 101.
This is the only cheat code that appears in the Papa Louie games.
- Papa's Pizzeria Deluxe contains an easter egg referencing the code: if you try to give the name "almostpapa" to your Custom Worker, Papa Louie will pop up at the bottom of the screen shaking his head disapprovingly; along with the music which plays when you get 60-69 points on an order.[1]