Breaking News is an in-game feature introduced in Papa's Cluckeria To Go!. At various points throughout the game, Duke Gotcha will report about the events of the Chicken Sandwich Wars taking place in Oilseed Springs.
In Papa's Freezeria Deluxe, Duke Gotcha will report about the incoming Hurricane Madish.
In Papa's Paleteria To Go!, Duke Gotcha will report about the status of Toby and the missing golden paleta pendant.
From the Flipline Studios Blog[]
Hey Everyone!
We interrupt your regularly scheduled sneak peek to bring you this Breaking News!
We have heard from reliable sources that as you play through the ranks of Papa’s Cluckeria To Go, there is a chance you may see a few “Breaking News” stories.
You can expect Duke Gotcha, from Nowtime News, to keep you informed on any huge events that may happen as the Chicken Sandwich Wars rage on in Oilseed Springs. [1]
Breaking News Segments[]
Papa's Cluckeria To Go![]
The first Breaking News cutscene is unlocked at Rank 21, Nowtime News tunes in for an update, where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer that Mortadello's Bird Meat has shut down due to numerous health violations. Meanwhile, the Chicken Sandwich Wars are moving forward with new, non-bird meats, such as pork. Pally is also seen taking a BotWurst to a home for robots after it has nowhere else to go.
The second Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 41, Nowtime News tunes in for an update, where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer that NuCoop Fry Lab has shut down due to the failure of the NuSalad Mixers, causing indigestion within the investors. NuMarcus takes the investors' money and goes on vacation, while Gabitha seems indifferent.
The third Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 61, Nowtime News tunes in for an update, where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer about a new recipe for Crumple Family Chicken, which is making fans curious. It also shows the market share, where Bonnie and Yalanda are ahead of Papa Louie.
The fourth Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 65, Nowtime News tunes in for an update where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer about the Crumple Sisters in court, questioning if they stole Papa Louie's secret recipe to all of the delicious cluckeria chicken patties. Quinn makes a quick case in court and the Crumple Sisters were found guilty and put to prison, making Papa's Cluckeria win the Chicken Sandwich Wars.
The final Breaking News segment is unlocked at the day after the player has served all of the customers, Nowtime News tunes in for an update where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer that the Crumple Sisters have escaped prison.
Papa's Freezeria Deluxe[]
The first Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 21, Nowtime News tunes in for an update, where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer about an incoming Hurricane Madish, that grows bigger and approaches the coastline, forcing coastal towns to evacuate. Calypso Island, fortunately, is revealed to be outside of the hurricane's range.
The second Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 41, Nowtime News tunes in for an update, where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer that the S.S. Louie had been lost at sea after the passage of Hurricane Madish. Even worse, it is revealed that Papa Louie himself, who was driving the ship at the time on a supply trip as seen in the intro, had gone missing, with many members of the community including Captain Cori, Robby, Kahuna and Gremmie actively searching for him.
The third Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 61, Nowtime News tunes in for an update, where Duke Gotcha informs the viewer that Papa Louie had been found and saved from the stranded ship, with Hurricane Madish's damage revealed to be too pricey for repairs with multiple holes in the hull of the ship. Fortunately, Louie comes up with an idea and opens the Volcano Gala, a fundraiser destined to pay the ship repairs.
Papa's Paleteria To Go![]
The first Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 21, Duke Gotcha informs the player that the golden paleta pendant is still missing as Toby the sea lion eludes from San Fresco and Papa Louie still in pursuit of reclaiming the gold paleta pendant.
The second Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 41, Duke Gotcha informs the player that Toby the sea lion was found and spotted in Portallini where he hitched a ride on Deano's gondola while Papa Louie ends up late again.
The third Breaking News segment is unlocked at Rank 61, Duke Gotcha informs the player that Toby the sea lion was spotted in Oniontown taking a nap by the Onion Jenny statue, but slips away from Papa Louie after and started heading south.
- Papa's Cluckeria To Go! is the only game to have five breaking news segments instead of three.
- In Papa's Pizzeria Deluxe, Breaking News segments have been replaced with Special Delivery segments.