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Citri-Shock is a special recipe that can be selected by players to be the "Special of the Day" in Papa's Bakeria/To Go!. Customers who order a Citri-Shock will give the player 2.1x Coin (Bakeria) or 2.2x Coin (To Go!). The special prizes for mastering this recipe are the Sombrero (Bakeria) and the Gold Medal (To Go!). The special can be unlocked once the player reaches Rank 54 and unlocks Citrus Zest.




ve Papa's Bakeria/To Go! Specials
Special Pies Apple CrispBanana CreamBanana SplitBanoffee PieCaramel AppleCherry CheesecakeCherry CordialCitri-ShockCloud NineCocoa Key LimeCreameo CheesecakeDerby PieFluffernutterFrench SilkGraceland KingGranny SmithKiwi StrawberryLemon MeringueLuau PunchMallow HaupiaMississippi MudNeapolitan PieNutty ButtercupOrchard TartPeach CobblerPineapple Upside DownPink LemonadePiña CooladaPlantain CrunchPrune CreekRhuby TuberRocky RoadRoyal AnneS'mores PieShoofly PieSouthern PecanSugar DragonStrawberry RhubarbTiramisuWild Berry