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Flipline Studios Wiki
The Classic

The Classic is a special recipe that can be selected by players to be the "Special of the Day" in Papa's Hot Doggeria HD/To Go!. Customers who order The Classic will give the player 140% of their regular points. The special prizes for mastering this recipe are the Pullover (HD) and the Jukebox (To Go!). The special can be unlocked from the beginning of the game.


Bun Regular Bun
Sausage Hot Dog
Toppings Ketchup


ve Papa's Hot Doggeria HD/To Go! Specials
Special Hot Dogs 'Basa NovaBallpark BratwurstChicago DogChili con QuesoChili PolkaCondiment ColliderConey DogDouble DijonEl CompletoFajita HoundFranken BaconGolden RetrieverHot Diggity DogeItalian Tube SteakKielypso DogMichigan DogPeter PiperPhilly PhrankPickle PupPortallini FeastPretzel ParadoxRed SnapperRico's Chili DogRustbelt WeenieSloppy JojoSonoran DogSouthwest SausageSpicy SausageSuperkrautSweet HeatTastyville GrillerThe BavarianThe ClassicThe FakefurterThe GrabowskiThe Green MonsterThe MidwesternVeggie GardenWild ZwiebelwurstWoonsocket Dynamite