The X-Zone, also known as the Kingdom of X, is the tenth and final level in Papa Louie 2: When Burgers Attack! and Papa Louie 3: When Sundaes Attack!. In both games, all fifty Warp Keys are required to unlock the level. In this level, the player can rescue Xandra in the former game and Xolo in the latter.
Background Track
- In Papa Louie 3, the Laddish from Papa Louie 2 appears in the X-Zone, even though the Laddish is not listed in the Baddies list. If the player defeats a Laddish, their Radish kill count will increase.
- The X Zone was where Xandra and Xolo were born, according to Xandra's Flipdeck.
- The X Zone is also home to the Xeppers.
- The X Zone was destroyed by a "crystal-like asteroid with a faint pink tail" when Xolo and Xandra were children.
- Prior to its destruction, Warp Coins opened doorways to every location in the Flipverse throughout the "long corridors" of the kingdom.
- The Warp Coins were scattered when the kingdom was destroyed by the aforementioned asteroid.
- Xandra and Xolo were also meant to be the Royal Guardians of the Warp Coins, but they were sent away from the X Zone before their coronation.
- The Rainbow Sauce pools in the X Zone are made of Flavor X Drizzle. [1]
Holiday Pictures
The X Zone is an area in Slider Scouts. It is unlocked when the player reaches Rank 48.
- This area has the same background track as Fort Onion, Sausage Mines, BBQ Bog, Fizzo Factory, and Cookie Cavern.